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點擊 to GTM

GTM electronics business division was established in 2000 providing power device assembly OEM service and offering power device product direct sells. In 2015 GTM electronics Co., Ltd. spun-off from GTM group as a subsidiary company of GTM Holdings Corporation, in 2016 GTM Electronics transformed her business model from OEM into OBM focusing on power device development and selling. With professional manufacturing experience and retail distribution team GTM electronics provide superior quality products and service, create competing advantages for customers. Our product application includes PC, sever, power supply, telecom device, hand-held device, consumer electronics and automobile peripheral electronics, etc.

勤益電子成立於2000年, 主要業務為功率元件之封裝, 測試, 生產製造與產品銷售, 擁有多年功率元件的專業封測經驗。
2015年從母公司獨立出來後再於2016年轉型, 專注於功率元件產品之開發與銷售。勤益電子憑藉專業的製造經驗與行銷營運團隊, 提供性能優越與品質可靠的產品以及滿足客戶需求之服務, 並為您創造具競爭力的優勢, 產品應用範圍廣泛, 涵蓋電腦(個人電腦與伺服器)、電源供應器、通訊電子產品、手持式電子裝置、消費性產品及車用電子產品等。




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6F, No.112 Chowtze St., Nei Hu Taipei, Taiwan Post Code 11493