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we could provide the multi-national sales services to our customer & vendors please contact with us immediately to
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電話: 886-2-8797-1297, 8797-1581 傳真: 886-2-8797-1570, 2799-5725

6F, No.112 Chowtze St., Nei Hu Taipei, Taiwan POST CODE 11493
TEL: 886-2-8797-1297, 8797-1581 FAX: 886-2-8797-1570, 2799-5725

Copyright ©2009 盛泰科技股份有限公司 . LINPO PRECISION LTD All rights reserved.
(11493)台北巿內湖區洲子街112號6樓 Tel: 886-2-8797-1297, 8797-1581 Fax: 886-2-8797-1570, 2799-5725
6F, No.112 Chowtze St., Nei Hu Taipei, Taiwan Post Code 11493